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All your flexible workspaces in one place

Book, manage and view reports for all your workspaces with one centralised tool.

Flexible work as it should be

Join companies like Accenture, GoCardless, and Deliveroo.

The best workspaces anywhere, anytime

More choice means more flexible offices from which to work and collaborate. All at better prices than anywhere else. Know you're getting the best and safest options possible in an ever-changing world.

Beautiful design, smooth booking

Simple, intuitive design that makes booking workspaces as easy as booking hotels. All employee workspaces stored in one place.

Built-in workspace policies for 100% compliance

Set up your workspace policy, adjust it when you want, and automate the rest. You set the rules and processes within the platform, leaving your employees free to book for themselves while staying within policy.

Centralised invoicing

Receive one invoice for all bookings and pay through just one platform. Get instant receipts after each booking or receive customised reports detailing all booking expenses whenever you wish.

Safety first

View, track, and manage all your employees' workspaces in real time. Give them access to COVID safe workspaces in minutes to facilitate productivity and collaboration.

The most flexible workspace bookings anywhere, ever

Protect all your workspace bookings with ZipFlex. Cancel for any reason and get your money back.

Best-rated customer support experience

We offer an industry-leading, 5-star standard of service via email and phone. We have dedicated account managers available in a variety of languages to help with any questions or problems you have on the go.

Experience flexible office space as it should be