Unusual Wedding in London

Hire the best Unusual Wedding Venues London has to offer.

Popular Unusual Wedding Venues London

Check our selections of popular Unusual Wedding Venues

Are you looking around for one of those unusual wedding venues London seems to have but other cities don't? If so, you're in luck, because here at Zipcube we've gathered together a fantastic selection of distinctive, unusual wedding venues. All you have to do is use our search function to browse around and find a few candidates, and our wedding venues team will help with making the arrangements.

Are you hoping to get married on a boat? In a converted warehouse? We've got plenty of options for you to peruse and pick from.

Unusual Wedding Venues London: Tips and Ideas

If you're planning a wedding that's a bit out of the ordinary, a little more kooky and unusual, then you're probably already bursting with ideas for your big day. But just in case, we've put together a few ideas for you to consider:

  • Have you written your own vows? Even at more conventional weddings, it's becoming quite common for the couple to pen their own phrases and promises, to personalise the ceremony and make it a little more memorable.
  • You could also mix up the groomsmen and bridesmaids to have a non-gendered approach. There's no reason to exclude close friends from taking part in the ceremony, just because they don't match your gender.
  • Deciding on a theme for your wedding might seem a little unexpected, but it's a good way to spice things up a little. Some couples even go so far as to have a wedding on Halloween and encourage guests to come in fancy dress.
  • You can always look at unique wedding venues too, or book a separate spot for a special wedding breakfast or wedding dinner. Splitting the day up into different slots will help to keep things interesting and introduce some variety. The main challenge might be making group travel arrangements for all your guests.
  • Bouquets of flowers and multi-tiered wedding cakes are very lovely, but they might not be for you. Try checking out this list of unusual wedding day ideas for an extra dimension of excitement.

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